The Project
“POPOLI CONTRO TO CASSINO – A War in the Mirror.” is a project that aims to promote Cassino’s historical and cultural heritage linked to the historical memory of the Second World War.
Teleuniverso has implemented a number of activities that uninvolve through the realization of:
- 20/25 minutes of wartime documentary filmed on the places where the events really took place;
- Educational workshops with young students from the project’s partner schools;
- Collaboration with tour operators, cultural associations of the territory for the organization of tour packages dedicated to the discovery of the territory;
- Events at the Atelier “Memory Gate” of the Historial Museum of Cassino.
The Atelier Memory Gate is the heart of the initiative, a place of events and cultural initiatives dedicated to memory.
The students of the Cervaro Comprehensive Institute and San Vittore del Lazio and the I.I.S. “Gold Medal – City of Cassino” are the protagonists of the Tg “The History”, which in 12 editions tells the most significant events of the Second World War.